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Newly Made Mason, The

Price: $31.00
  • SKUM080
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*New Soft Cover version*
What He and Every Mason Should Know About Masonry. For the newly-made Mason, but is chock full of Masonic facts for all, and covers the origin, history, philosophy, symbolism, organization and operation of the Order. Divided into 5 parts: Operative Freemasonry, The Petition, The Great Symbols, Religion and Masonry, and Visiting Masons. Cover, 220 pages, Illustrations.ISBN 9780880530309 This book is divided into 5 parts: Operative Freemasonry: Beginning from 1330 to 1717 A.D. Transition from Operative to Speculative Masonry. The First Grand Lodge of "Ancient" Freemasonry. The Petition: The Origin of Petition, Ceremonies and Rites. How Masons are made. The Great Symbols: The Lodge, The Working Tools, The Master, The Lights, The Letter "G", The Ruffians, The Search and many more Masonic symbols. Freemasonry Symbols are explained in great detail in this chapter. Religion and Masonry: Masonic Philosophy, Masonic Relief, Masonic Etiquette, Masonic Penalties (symbolic), Masonic Clothing. Visiting Masons: Books, Records, Monitors - early and present day, Famous Masons and What Masonry Meant to Them, The Individual Masonic Lodge, The Masonic community, Freemasonry's Place in the World, and more. A Macoy Published Book

*incorrect ISBN printed on back, not to be resold