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41 Million Men

Price: $19.00
  • SKUM045
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Book Review: How do we bring a new generation to Freemasonry? We begin first but understanding who they are, what they want and how Freemasonry can help them make a difference in the world.  This is exactly the premise of 41MILLION MEN: The Importance of The Millennial Generation To Freemasonry.  It is a book that should be read by every Grand Master, District Deputy Grand Master and Worshipful Master.  It is an exceptional series of short chapters which answer some of the most vexing problems confronting our Craft today.  I cannot recommend it more highly.

Terry L. Tilton, Fellow, Philalethes Society, Past Grand Master Minnesota

More Details

41 Million Men: The Importance Of The Millennial Generation To Freemasonry. Edited by Steve McCall
A collection of essays by noted Masonic writers spanning several generations. In it, we explore fraternal membership trends in generational terms and provide the Craft with a primer about the Millennials - a generation that is a perfect fit for Freemasonry. Also included is an easy-to-adopt program for lodges hoping to attract Millennial men. A must read book for lodge and grand lodge officers, 41 Million Men is the definitive guide to the next generation of Freemasons. ISBN 978-0-88053-116-0